Tag Archives: Oh So Beautiful Paper

Letterpress New Year

wo recent letterpress posts over at Oh So Beautiful Paper made me swoon in a major way. So, just in case you missed them, I thought I’d revive them for you here.

The first was a post featuring this inexplicably beautiful letterpress mini-calendar from Wiley Valentine, which unfortunately sold out before I could nab one for myself:

Ridiculously gorgeous, right? The envelope ALONE has a significant Pavlovian effect on me.

And now check out these New Year’s Eve letterpress invites from Czar Press:

At the risk of placing you in a letterpress-induced coma, I offer you just a couple more images from Czar Press. Consider it my New Year’s gift to you:

OK, I can’t take anymore.

Follow Oh So Beautiful Paper on Twitter HERE.

Happy Wednesday!

(Initial “T” found HERE)

Wordshop Wednesday: Mélangerie!

Today, thanks to Oh So Beautiful Paper, I discovered the greatness that is Mélangerie. Not only do I dig the Frenchified shop name, but I also get perhaps a little too excited about all of their unique, adorably fun paper goods. And I have a feeling you will, too.

Wanna see why? Yeah, of course you do:

Scratch-‘n-sniff holiday cards? Heck yeah!

State-by-Celebrity Tote Bag: Sorry, but Massachusetts wins because we get Dr. Seuss.

Visit the Mélangerie Etsy shop HERE.

Nice try, but…

In love with these gift tags from papersnitch, featured on Oh So Beautiful Paper today.

Wordshop Wednesday: Greenwich Letterpress


The other day, Oh So Beautiful Paper posted an incredibly drool-worthy, vintage-mailer-inspired Save the Date postcard created by Greenwich Press, aptly named considering the shop’s location in Greenwich Village, NYC. I can’t stop thinking about how awesome the cards are. So I thought I’d post them for you… and provide you with the link to Greenwich’s online store so you can go check the rest of their fantasticness out for yourself.



The turquoise tape really makes the Kraft paper pop, don’t you think?


Business card origami

Check out these awesome, super-sneaky business cards by Silnt Designs, which I found via Oh So Beautiful Paper:



Vintage Stamps: S.O.S.!

Lately, I’ve been feasting my eyes on a lot of wedding blogs that feature handmade invites and/or envelopes that use vintage U.S. stamps that still serve as valid postage. I have e-mailed a couple of people regarding where I might find some of these vintage delicacies, but to no avail. Apparently people don’t want to share the wealth. Which is fine. But… if any of you out there *do* want to share the wealth, please Please PLEASE leave me a friendly comment with any links/info as to where I might get my paws on some vintage stamps. 

I and my vintage and repurposed paper addiction thank you.

In the meantime, here’s some of my inspiration as of late:

Wedding invitations and envelope packaging by 100 Layer Cake, via Oh So Beautiful Paper:


Calligraphy and envelope design by Betsy Dunlap, via Oh So Beautiful Paper:



And finally, one of my absolute favorite finds, Love, Jenna Calligraphy:

Picture 11

Picture 14


Fortunately, the U.S. Postal Service undertook a task of aesthetic brilliance recently in their adoption of the following (now available!) stamp design… which I am thrilled to be able to use for my sister’s wedding invitations:

Picture 2

Snippet & Ink

It would not be incorrect to say that I am not a fan of weddings. That being said, sometimes I come across images and invitation ideas that do propel me to swoon a bit, whether I like to admit it or not. Case in point: the following images from Laurel Smith‘s wedding, featured on Snippet & Ink, which is a daily wedding inspiration blog. Laurel designed all the paper goods and hand-stitched all of the tags:






Laurel’s wedding invitation inspiration board, filled with lots of vintage brilliance, as featured on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

6a00e554ee8a228833011168f0ea91970c-800wiRSVP card:
