Tag Archives: Canada

The Taxali 300

Why don’t I live in Toronto? Or, at least, only an hour away or something? Because in Toronto there’s a place called Narwhal Art Projects. And at Narwhal Art Projects there’s an exhibition called The Taxali 300. And the Taxali 300 runs for a month, from January 28 – February 28, and it features hundreds (umm, 300?) of Taxali’s amazing illustrations and collages, together in a collection for the first time. From Narwhal’s website:

The Taxali 300 showcases hundreds of small illustrations and collages originally created for such esteemed publica- tions as Rolling Stone, Newsweek, The New York Times, GQ and McSweeneys among others. Spanning two decades and multiple awards and accolades, The Taxali 300 presents Gary’s exceptional collection of commercial illustration as a complete body of work in a gallery setting for the first time, allowing viewers to appreciate the prolific scope of visual communications and tactile character design intrinsically associated with Gary Taxali’s artwork.

It was painfully difficult to select only a handful to share with you here, so I really hope you’ll go to Narwhal’s gallery and look through them all yourselves. But here are some of my favorites. Emphasis on “some” – I have about a bajillion.

OK, I need to stop. I could post them all. Seriously.

Hope you like.

French Friday: Pour Toujours

Just discovered Pour Toujours, a lovely Etsy shop based in Montreal with great vintage French games and books, mostly targeted toward children. I especially love the Je me renseigne books. Oh, and Mille Bornes — I’m still bitter that my mom ditched our set when we were younger. GRR!

Vintage labels and tickets from Papier Valise

I would like a gazillion of each, please. Thank you.










All images graciously borrowed from Papier Valise’s online boutique.

Wordshop Wednesday: Regional Assembly of Text

I’m starting to think that I need to move to Vancouver, B.C.. Seriously. If I hear of ONE MORE awesome design/stationery/type shop located in Vancouver, I’m going to pack up my belongings and head Northwest.

Here’s why: The Regional Assembly of Text, built and created by Rebecca Dolen & Brandy Fedoruk, who also designed every freakin’ awesome thing in the shop. Unbelievable.

I want it all.

But I especially want these little treasures (all photos from Regional Assembly of Text’s online store):





