Tag Archives: French Friday

Bonjour Mon Coussin’s awesome pillows

For this installment of French Friday Monday, it is my distinct pleasure to present you with some of my most prized pillows from the fabulous online store, Bonjour Mon Coussin. They involve tantalizing type, delicious design, and  clever colors. But enough alliteration. On to the images. Oh wait, did I mention that some of the pillows are scented? True story. The scented ones are marked with “PARFUM” like the burlap one below, which smells like coffee!

French Friday: Bonne Année!

Happy New Year to all, courtesy of artist Adolie Day:

French Friday: Capucine for Edurelief

One of my former French students sent me this Capucine video via Facebook the other day (merci PN!), and I can’t stop hearing Capucine’s cute, animated little narrative voice talking about “les popotames” (hippopotamuseseses).

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “Once upon a time… on Vimeo“, posted with vodpod

Quelle imagination de cette petite fille qui rêve des monstres et de la pauvreté et de l’égalité pour tous!

After I received the video, I did a little Googling and found that la petite Capucine has inspired a charitable endeavour by her mother, who is now raising funds for Edurelief, which is a non-profit that raises money to help kids in Mongolia who lack books and other educational necessities. Donations can be made directly to Edurelief, or you can purchase a ridiculously cute t-shirt that features one of Capucine’s original drawings and a quote from one of her adorable tales (quotes can be printed in French or in English). Some images from the website, which you should visit tout de suite:

To learn more about la mignonne Capucine and to watch all of her storytelling videos, click over to the Capucha website HERE.

Some of my favorite Capucine photos from the website (I am having MAJOR difficulty dealing with how cute she is. I bet you will, too. Oh, and I also bet you’ll want that Nutella like I do, too.):

French Friday: Noël arrive!

For this installment of French Friday, I offer you a bevy of lovely, Frenchified holiday items, ranging from gift tags to pillows! All items are available on Etsy: please support handmade artists by clicking on the links below each item!






















French Friday: Babar!






{Source for last two images}

French Friday: Pour Toujours

Just discovered Pour Toujours, a lovely Etsy shop based in Montreal with great vintage French games and books, mostly targeted toward children. I especially love the Je me renseigne books. Oh, and Mille Bornes — I’m still bitter that my mom ditched our set when we were younger. GRR!

French Friday: Get busy!

Le sport et le gymnastique, from AgenceEureka’s Milliat (1933-1934) Flickr set.

I am now persuaded to go boating with a guy in a unitard.









French Friday: Le roi du tabac

Disclaimer: I generally abhor tobacco and cigarettes as lethal weapons that have contributed to way too much illness among family and friends. That being said: come on, these vintage tobacco labels from Agence Eureka are pretty stellar.

Stupidly, I never considered that French playing cards wouldn’t have the J, Q, K, A categories. Umm, yeah. So, below, you’ll see that French playing cards have the following categories: V(alet), D(ame), R(oi), A(s). Unfortunately, I don’t have any A examples below.





