Tag Archives: letters


Check out these wonderfully designed vintage playing cards, which I just discovered over at Delicious Industries’ Flickr page:

Visit Delicious Industries’ blog HERE and follow them on Twitter HERE.

Westvaco II

Images from Westvaco manual #II: Inspirations for Printers (1953-1955) :

There are so many more brilliant images over at Design & Typo, le Blog. I’m tempted to post them all, but instead I’ll direct you to them HERE. And don’t forget to check out the first manual, which I posted about HERE.

Westvaco I

I was scoping out WeLoveTypography the other day (as I often do), and I came across a beautiful typographical image that linked over to Design & Typo, le Blog. There, I discovered the mother-load: tons more of similarly amazing designs from two separate Westvaco manuals.

Images from Westvaco Promotion Guide #1 (1956-1961):

I will post images from the second manual in a new post. Stay tuned!

Get organized.

A new semester starts tomorrow for me. I wish I had these awesome items from Present Correct to help me get organized:

In the time it just took me to create this post, I probably could have been prepping my first class tomorrow. But this is so much prettier.


Lucky #7

Before I left town for the holidays, I was busy doing lots of things like grading, applying for jobs (still doing that one), buying Christmas presents, and stalking Present Correct‘s listings of daily advent boxes. Only one awesome box of goodies per day. First come, first serve. My super stealth stalking methods paid off, and I rejoiced when I scored the #7 advent box. But then I went far far away to Ohio to spend the holidays with my family. And I amazingly forgot about lucky #7. But then I came back from far far away Ohio, and lucky #7 was awaiting me with open boxy arms!

Lookie what prizes I got!!!

{ Open me! And now! }

{ Holy…! }

{ An organized little sampling of goodies from the box, in case you’re OCD and need order in your life. }

{ Non-ordered samplings. For the rest of us. Beautiful either way, really. }

{ The whole collection. I am especially fond of the “L”s. It’s like they knew my name and stalking tendencies or something. }

I may or may not recycle some of these items for the “Mini Packs” I include as part of my Paper Packs on Etsy. Or hide little doo-dads in envelopes from my Paper Clips Journals. But I don’t know. I’m partial to hoarding everything for myself. You’ll see me on A&E soon enough, drowning in a see of vintage papery awesomeness, refusing to let even a Scrabble tile go.

Thank you to Present Correct for producing such brilliant collections of vintage greatness!

Visit Present Correct’s amazing shop HERE, and follow them on Twitter HERE.

Lite-Brite Type from GrandArmy

O ne of my new Twitter followers, @caseandpointtype, posted a Tumblr image called “Lite-Brite Type.” How does one resist anything related to Lite-Brite, that’s my question? Right. One does NOT resist such things. Rather, one clicks ferociously to the source. Which brought one/me to these gorgeously vibrant images over at Type Theory: Lite-Brite Type created by GrandArmy:

Kinda makes you wanna bust out your Lite-Brite and go to town, right? Yeah, me too.

I’m a Perpetual Kid.

M y mother has a huge stack of magazines that I’m fairly certain she rarely (if ever) looks through. She’s got more important things going on (um, her husband’s cancer for one), so I get it. But those d@mn magazines glare at me from their antique bin, whispering and mumbling until I pay them some attention. And so I do. And then I pretty quickly learn why they were beckoning me: amazing finds like these…

Matchbook notepads from Pearl River (image from HERE):

Next up, letter magnets from Cupcakes & Cartwheels that would look awesome on my fridge and metal filing cabinets (image once again from  HERE):

And now, several pleasurable items from a store called Perpetual Kid, which I’d never heard of before. Now I will never forget it. Check out what little tokens of awesomeness they have to offer:

{ Uber awesome tissues! }

{ Awesome BINGO games! }

{ Awesome clocks! }


{ Awesome books & notepads! }

I think I would give out roughly 519.2 of those Cell Citations on a daily basis. Give or take.

Anyway, my point is that this store is fabulous, AND they’re having an amazing clearance sale right now. Go forth and channel your Perpetual Kid HERE. And follow them on Twitter HERE.


V intage and modern typography designs that glorify the color red blanket me in holiday warmth. All drool-inducing images below have been graciously borrowed from the always fabulous WeLoveTypography.com, where you can search typographic images by color. Which is how I found these little gems.

(The Ohioan in me couldn’t resist this one)